Evaluation of the anti-hypertensive effect of Tengfu Jiangya tablet by combination of UPLC-Q-exactive-MS-based metabolomics and iTRAQ-based proteomics technology

发布时间:2020-03-20文章来源: 浏览次数:

Yanpeng Tian, Feng Jiang, Yunlun Li, Haiqiang Jiang, Yanjun Chu, Lijuan Zhu, Weixing Guo2018. Evaluation of the anti-hypertensive effect of Tengfu Jiangya tablet by combination of UPLC-Q-exactive-MS-based metabolomics and iTRAQ-based proteomics technology. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy,100(4): 324-334

关闭 打印责任编辑:实验中心